I am working on replace xml node. I have problem in remove parent node with inner node itself.
I want to remove parent node with few inner node and retain some other inner nodes.
The Source of the xml string:
***<bPoint id="1" >
<content src="p112" />***
<bPoint id="2">
<content src="p1123" />
<bPoint id="bPoint-2" >
<content src="p1123" />
My Output will be
<bPoint id="2">
<content src="p1123" />
<bPoint id="bPoint-2" >
<content src="p1123" />
Any one assist me?
Thanks in advance.
You can use the replaceChild method on the parent node of the node you want to replace.
so you would want to do a replaceChild on root passing in your bPoint with id 2 as the first argument and bPoint with id 1 as the second
var xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?><root><bPoint id="1"><bLabel><text></text></bLabel><content src="p112" /><bPoint id="2"><bLabel><text>xxx</text></bLabel><content src="p1123" /></bPoint></bPoint><bPoint id="bPoint-2" ><bLabel><text>xxx</text></bLabel><content src="p1123" /></bPoint></root>'
//Create xml parser and parse to XMLDocument
var parser = new DOMParser();
var xmldoc = parser.parseFromString(xml,"text/xml");
//Get "root" node
var rootNode = xmldoc.querySelector("root");
//Would use id selectors but number ids are invalid selectors
var bPoint1 = xmldoc.querySelector("bPoint");
var bPoint2 = bPoint1.querySelector("bPoint");
//Replace bPoint 1 with bPoint2
//Get the new xml string
var newXml = (new XMLSerializer).serializeToString(xmldoc);
document.body.innerText = newXml;