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Stencil buffer and deferred rendering using OpenGL and GLSL

I'm wondering one thing concerning the usage of stencil buffer in a deferred rendering context: do all the fragment shaders on screen space is used within the 'occluded' area ?

Here's an example for the website!Advanced-OpenGL/Stencil-testing (just stencil buffer topic, no relation with deferred rendering):

enter image description here

question: what's the expression "the others are discarded" means here ? It means that none pixel shader will be invoked where the value is 0 in the mask sampler OR for each fragment on the screen a pixel shader will be invoked BUT a condition will be applied discarding the filling of the pixel if the value is 0 ?

Let's suppose that the first picture on the left is the result without stencil buffering. The support of the information is a quad composed by 2 triangles (we apply deferred rendering technique and so we're working in screen space - the dimention of the screen is 500x500). So after rasterization, it will be invoked 500 * 500 fragment shaders to fill the frame buffer and all of them will be used even on the dark area where is no light. It means that if we apply a blinn-phong shading model, this last will be applied everywhere on the screen EVEN on the dark area and I think it's a waste for performance.

So, the logical thing to do in this case should be to create a mask (using the stencil buffer or using an external custom mask render pass using an other frame buffer to fill it) and finally use the blinn-phong shading model only for example where the value of the pixel in the mask sampler in screen space is 1. This way the phong shading model will be applied ONLY in our example onto the 2 boxes and the plane!

The tricks here to do the job correct in a first approach should be to add a condition in the fragment shader to tell if we need to compute blinn-phong shading for the current fragment or not according to the value of the sampled mask texture.

void main(void)
    if (texture(MaskSampler, TexCoord.xy).r == 1.0f)
         //Execute here Blinn-Phing shading model...
    //Else nothing

But I'm wondering (if we look at the third picture above) if it's possible to tell to OpenGL API to invoke fragment shaders only concerned by the colored area! (it means we do not enter in the main of the fragment shader). In this case the number of fragment shader used will be drasticly reduced and for the performance it will be better! Or the only solution is to put a condition in the fragment shader like I mentionned above?


  • In most cases, the stencil test will run before the fragment shader, and skip its execution. It is described in detail here, along with the conditions on why it might not execute before a fragment shader, although these are unlikely in your described setup. This would be much preferred over additional branches/samples in your fragment shader. It's also much easier to implement and maintain.

    However, in the case of branching, your proposed method of running a much less complex shader may also provide a speed up (over say running the full shader for each pixel). This is because, most modern drivers optimize branch prediction on spatial coherence. Meaning, if all pixels in a local area always take the same branch, this can be optimized. A chapter in GPU Gems describes this process. Of course, this is highly dependent on the shader complexity, area, and driver implementation. The stencil method approach is much less ambiguous.