I have implemented Singly linked list in my code and i have to sort the list. But my code does not work, it stucks in an infinite loop. I have to compare nodes according to their id in ascending order.
I cant use arrays. This is my SLL node implementation.
class SLLNode implements Comparable<SLLNode> {
protected int id;
protected int plata;
protected SLLNode succ;
public SLLNode(int id,int plata, SLLNode succ) {
this.id = id;
this.succ = succ;
public int compareTo(SLLNode o) {
return o.id - this.id;
public static void sort(SLL lista){
SLLNode current;
boolean check = true;
while(check) {
current = lista.getFirst();
check = false;
while(current.succ != null)
if(current.compareTo(current.succ) > 0)
SLLNode temp = current;
check = true;
current = current.succ;
You problem is here:
// Take a copy of current.
SLLNode temp = current;
// Step to next.
// Point temp (old current) to new next <----- Added this.
temp.succ = current.succ;
// Point next's successor to current.
// Remember to check again.
check = true;
You are missing changing temp.succ
. You need to set it to current.succ
at the appropriate place.
In summary - to swap two nodes a and b you need to do the following:
Without sample implementation of your linked list I cannot test this.