In Cordova Angular, back button does not seem to trigger ng-if. I have my code like this:
<div class="buttons" ng-if="!isNavButtonActive()">
<a class="button icon-left ion-chevron-left button-clear">
{{ isExitBackActive() ? "Exit" : "Back" }}
$scope.isNavButtonActive = function(){
return $location.path() === '/app/menu';
$scope.isExitBackActive = function(){
if($rootScope.previousState === '/app/menu') {
return true;
} else {
return false;
The idea is:
from menu landing page if I click new issue page : it will show new issue page with a button as "EXIT".
from menu landing page if I click list of issue : then from list of issue (it should show button "EXIT") I click one of the issue, it will actually go to "new issue page except it is prepopulated" and it should show the page with a button as "BACK". So far it is working ok, but once I click back button, somehow the list issue page still keeping "BACK" as button instead of "EXIT".
Any idea?
The page flow is like this:
Menu -> [EXIT button]New Issue (blank screen)
-> [EXIT button]List Draft -> [BACK instead of EXIT button]basicly go to new issue page(but prepopulated data)
For starting point, it looks like isExitBackActive() is returning false. Just console.log before return statements in isExitBackActive() function definition.