I'm trying to process a string and separate it into two parts when i find a character that is not of the standard english alphabet. For example This is a stríng with áccents.
and i need to know the index of the first or every character with accent (í
I think the solution is somewhere between System.Text.Encoding
and System.Globalization
but i miss something...
The important thing is to know if it's a character with accent and if possible exclude space.
void Main()
var str = "This is a stríng with áccents.";
var strBeforeFirstAccent = str.Substring(0, getIndexOfFirstCharWithAccent(str));
int getIndexOfFirstCharWithAccent(string str){
//Process logic
return 13;
The regex [^a-zA-Z ]
will find characters other than non-accented Roman letters and spaces.
var regex = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z ]");
var match = regex.Match("This is a stríng with áccents.");
will return í
and match.Index
will contain its location.