I have built my application in polymer 0.5.
Now I have updated it to polymer 1.0.
For responsive layout I have used a layout attribute using custom logic of layout attributes in the Polymer 0.5.
See the code below:
<template is="auto-binding">
<core-media-query query="max-width: 767px" queryMatches="{{smallScreen}}"></core-media-query>
<section layout vertical?="{{smallScreen}}" horizontal?="{{!smallScreen}}">
<section flex four?="{{!smallScreen}}" auto?="{{smallScreen}}">
<paper-input-decorator label="First name" floatingLabel>
<input type="text" is="paper-input" id="fname" name="fname">
<section flex four?="{{!smallScreen}}" auto?="{{smallScreen}}">
<paper-input-decorator label="Last name" floatingLabel>
<input type="text" is="paper-input" id="lname" name="lname">
Now in polymer 1.0 introduce one element "iron-layout-flex" and all indications are that now instead of attributes we must work with the classes ".layout", ".horizontal", ".vertical"? It is very confusing that how should I adjust as per my logic of the layout attribute.
So, my question is that Is there any way to use 'layout' as an attribute instead of as a CSS class or using Attribute serialization in the class attribute?
Well, you could theoretically translate attributes to the new layout css properties. Something like this (untested, so no guarantees this will actually work)
<style is="custom-style">
html /deep/ [layout][vertical] {
html /deep/ [layout][horizontal] {
html /deep/ [flex][four] {
html /deep/ [flex][auto] {