I'm trying to achieve something with the SystemWorker
of the Wakanda server-side API. But I cannot achieve it. I'm sure I am missing something on the workflow of SystemWorker
I want to launch the PowerShell from Windows and then run two commands inside. To do that manually, I just run powershell
in the cmd.exe and then I can start to write PowerShell commands and get back my data.
In Wakanda I have set up an ssjs file with that code:
var powershell = new SystemWorker(['powershell'],null);
powershell.postMessage('Add-Type -AssemblyName "PresentationCore"');
powershell.onmessage = function (event) {
var data = event.data;
powershell.onerror = function (event) {
powershell.onterminated = function (event) {
// potentially check event.exitStatus or event.forced
I have also a systemWorkers.json file containing this:
"name" : "powershell",
"executable" :
{ "path" : "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" }
I just want to execute the two commands Add-Type -AssemblyName "PresentationCore"
and [Windows.Media.Fonts]::SystemFontFamilies
in my PowerShell to get the list of all the fonts available on the machine.
If I look into the task manager, the PowerShell is launched, but I never achieve to execute my two command lines or get back the data. I only achieve to end up in the onterminated
What I am missing?
Finally I reach to make it work.
Now I put my command in a ps1 file that I give as an argument to my SystemWorker
So it look like this :
var powershell = new SystemWorker(['powershell "C:/Users/<MyName>/Desktop/<myScript>.ps1"'],null);
powershell.onmessage = function (event) {
powershell.onerror = function (event) {
powershell.onterminated = function (event) {
I think is more easy to do this way so all my commands are in one file and then I just ask the System worker to execute the PowerShell and to run my script.