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Javascript in Yii2 AssetBundle is not published on update

I have a quite simple AssetBundle:

use yii\web\AssetBundle;

 * ImagizerAsset
class ImagizerAsset extends AssetBundle
    public $sourcePath = '@app/components/widgets/imagizer/assets';

    public $css = [

    public $js = [

    public $depends = [

If I change the JavaScript in the bundle, it is not published to the web/asset directory in development mode. I must remove the web/asset directory every time to have an up to date version in it. It is very annoying. What should I do?


  • It's already answered here.

    Add this to your asset bundle:

    public $publishOptions = [
        'forceCopy' => YII_DEBUG,

    For more options and detailed explanation look at linked answer.