I'm using CreateJS's TweenJS in a 60fps three.js project. I'm noticing the animation feels jerky when I use TweenJS to move objects, as if the objects are being updated at a lower frame rate.
Here is an example: https://jsfiddle.net/sccottt/sbm9s6k5/1/
In the example, the box (animated w/ TweenJS) seems to move much less smoothly than the lines in the background (rotating per requestAnimationFrame()
Is there a way to change the frame rate of TweenJS, or does anyone have any idea on how to make this perform more smoothly?
The latest version of CreateJS that JSFiddle will host is fairly old (end of 2013). Since then, there is RequestAnimationFrame support (now used as the default timing mode).
I updated your fiddle, to use the latest (0.6.1, tagged on May 21) with RAF, and it seems much smoother. https://jsfiddle.net/sbm9s6k5/4/
createjs.Ticker.timingMode = createjs.Ticker.RAF;