I have the following jQuery, with the intent of replacing the alert with custom validation code for what has been entered in the textbox:
$(document).on("change", '[id$=txtbxSSNOrITIN]', function () {
alert('the textbox change event occurred');
However, the event fires/the alert is seen only when the "textbox" loses focus. Entering a value does not invoke the event; only leaving the control/element fires the event.
Should I be using another event (other than "change") or how can I capture each change of content?
I don't want to let the user type in "Warble P. McGokle" and then, only after they tab out or click elsewhere, tell him/her/it that the value entered is invalid. That's a surefire way to get my mugshot plastered onto the center of the company dartboard.
In jsfiddle, tymeJV's script did work for me; actually, I changed it to:
$(document).on("input", "textarea", function() {
alert('you entered ' + this.value);
...but this doesn't work for me (in my project/WebPart):
$(document).on("input", '[id$=txtbxSSNOrITIN]', function () {
alert('the textbox input event occurred');
(I see no alert while entering vals into the text element)
For context/full disclosure, here is my entire jQuery (at the end of my *.ascs file):
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
console.log('The ready function has been reached'); /* This is a "sanity check" so it can be verified that this jQuery script
is running/ran */
/* When "Employee" checkbox changes state, set up txtbxSSNOrITIN accordingly */
$(document).on("change", '[id$=ckbxEmp]', function () {
var ssnmaxlen = 4;
var itinmaxlen = 12;
var ssntextboxwidth = 40;
var itintextboxwidth = 100;
var ckd = this.checked;
var $input = $('[id$=txtbxSSNOrITIN]');
var $lbl = $('[id$=lblSSNOrITIN]');
if (ckd) $input.data("oldValue", $input.val()); // Remember current value
$input.prop("maxlength", ckd ? ssnmaxlen : itinmaxlen).css({
background: ckd ? 'yellow' : 'lightgreen',
width: ckd ? ssntextboxwidth : itintextboxwidth
}).val(function (i, v) {
/* If checked, trim textbox contents to ssnmaxlen characters */
return ckd && v.length > ssnmaxlen ? v.slice(0, ssnmaxlen) : $input.data("oldValue");
$lbl.text(ckd ? "SSN - last 4 digits" : "ITIN");
/* This sets focus to the end of the textbox (multiplication by 2 is because some characters are counted as two) */
var strLength = $input.val().length * 2;
$input[0].setSelectionRange(strLength, strLength);
$(document).on("input", '[id$=txtbxSSNOrITIN]', function () {
alert('the textbox input event occurred');
Changing the event from "input" to "keyup" works just fine, though, so a combination of tymeJV's script and the various suggestions from the comments worked wonders. Change your answer to "keyup" and I'll mark it as correctamundo.
You can use input
for an event that fires whenever the input is modified (via paste, key stroke, etc)
$(document).on("input", '[id$=txtbxSSNOrITIN]', function () {