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Fix IsNumeric Loop Bug?

I am trying to fix a simple loop so that the message box won't go away until the user enters an integer. Here is my code:

Sub PlateMicro()

strName = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter number of wells in plate. The default is 96 (8X12).", _
      Title:="PLATE SETUP", Default:="96")

Dim wellCount As Object
Dim numericCheck As Boolean
numericCheck = IsNumeric(wellCount)

If IsNumeric(wellCount) Then
Range("A1").Value = wellCount 'Enter the number of plate wells selected into template.
Else: strName = InputBox(Prompt:="You must enter an integer. Enter number of wells in plate. The default is 96 (8X12)." _
      , Title:="PLATE SETUP", Default:=userDefaultChoice)
End If
End Sub


  • Consider:

    Sub intCHECK()
       Dim var As Variant
       var = "whatever"
       While Not IsNumeric(var)
          var = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Enter integer", Type:=2)
       MsgBox "Thanks!"
    End Sub

    This will allow you to Exit if you touch Cancel