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Kendo error messages not using the culture

While using this tutorial:, I set current culture through the web.config

    <globalization uiCulture="ru-RU" culture="ru-RU" />

include the js culture file and set kendo culture

        var culture =  System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.ToString();

    <script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/kendo/2014.2.903/cultures/kendo.culture." + culture + ".min.js")"></script>


Everything is working perfectly except of error messages.

When I'm using my local machine which is using ru-RU culture on the OS level, kendo shows localized error messages, such as " Требуется поле Тип оплаты." (I'm sorry for the foreign language, that's just for example)

But when I deploy application to the server, where OS culture is set to en-US, it shows non-localized error messages, such as "The Тип оплаты field is required."

Web.config and _Layout.cshtml content are identical to local after the deploy, so it's not web.config transormation problem

I'm using kendo 2014.2.903


  • Figured it out. It wasn't kendo, it was standart Html.ValidationMessageFor control. I haven't installed .NET Framework Language Pack for russian language to my server. See this question for more information.