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Using Jquery Raty in Rails 4 and showing average of star rating

i have a Rails app in which I am using jquery Raty plugin i have included Raty in gemfile

gem 'jquery-raty-rails', github: 'bmc/jquery-raty-rails'

and in the application.js i have included

//= require jquery.raty
//= require jquery.raty.min

and i have included this in the javascript

    target     : '#hint-log',
    targetType : 'score',
    targetKeep : true
    target     : '#hint-comm',
    targetType : 'score',
    targetKeep : true
    target     : '#hint-tech',
    targetType : 'score',
    targetKeep : true

    target     : '#hint-overall',
    targetType : 'score',
    targetKeep : true,
    readOnly   : true

the view for the stars rating is given as

<div class="row">
            <div class=" col s12 m6 logical">
              <label>Logical & Analytical Skills</label>
              <div id="star-log" > </div>
              <%= f.text_field :log_skill, :id=>'hint-log' %>

            <div class=" col s12 m6">
              <label>Communication skills</label>
              <div id="star-comm" ></div>
              <%= f.text_field :comm_skill, :id=>'hint-comm' %>
                <div class="row">
                  <div class=" col s12 m6">
                    <label>Technical Skills</label>
                    <div id="star-tech" id="star-tech"></div>
                    <%= f.text_field :log_skill, :id=>'hint-tech' %>
                  <div class="col s12 m6">
                    <label >Overall Rating</label>
                    <div id="star-overall" id="star-read"></div>
                    <%= f.text_field :log_skill, :id=>'hint-overall' %>

I have 4 fields for star rating given as

  1. Logical & Analytical Skills
  2. communication skills
  3. technical skills
  4. overall skill

so now in first three star rate the user will rate and by those ratings the overall skill(which is read only) will be updated while rating or we can say overall skill rating will be the average of first three skills and it will automatically being updated and keep showing the stars How can i do this ?


  • Add class stars to group 3 of the star ratings

    <div class="row">
      <div class=" col s12 m6 logical">
        <label>Logical & Analytical Skills</label>
        <div id="star-log" class="stars" > </div>
        <%= f.text_field :log_skill, :id=>'hint-log' %>
      <div class=" col s12 m6">
        <label>Communication skills</label>
        <div id="star-comm" class="stars" ></div>
        <%= f.text_field :comm_skill, :id=>'hint-comm' %>
    <div class="row">
      <div class=" col s12 m6">
        <label>Technical Skills</label>
        <div id="star-tech" class="stars"></div>
        <%= f.text_field :log_skill, :id=>'hint-tech' %>
      <div class="col s12 m6">
        <label >Overall Rating</label>
        <div id="star-overall"></div>
        <%= f.text_field :log_skill, :id=>'hint-overall' %>

    Removed double id given to last to star ratings (star tech and overvall)

        target     : '#hint-log',
        targetType : 'score',
        targetKeep : true
        target     : '#hint-comm',
        targetType : 'score',
        targetKeep : true
        target     : '#hint-tech',
        targetType : 'score',
        targetKeep : true
        target     : '#hint-overall',
        targetType : 'score',
        targetKeep : true,
        readOnly   : true
    $(document).on("click", ".stars", function(){
      var score = 0 ;
      //loop through stars to get score
      $('.stars').each(function(i, obj) {
        //if score is there will be undefined if star not selected
        if ($(obj).raty('score')) 
          score +=  $(obj).raty('score'); 
     //calculating average
     score = score / $(".stars").length;
     $('#star-overall').raty({score:  score });