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Functional Interface Inheritance Quirk

I have a custom interface I've been using for some time that looks something like this:

public interface Function<T, R> {
    R call(T input);

I'd like to retrofit this interface with both Java's Function as well as Guava's Function, while keeping it a FunctionalInterface. I thought I had the perfect arrangement:

public interface Function<T, R> extends
        java.util.function.Function<T, R>,<T, R> {

    R call(T input);

    default R apply(T input) {
        return call(input);

Both superinterfaces declare the same apply() method, which has been implemented in my interface, leaving only the abstract call() method. Strangely, it won't compile, telling me

Invalid '@FunctionalInterface' annotation; Function<T,R> is not a functional interface

Stranger still, the following variations compile just fine:

public interface Function<T, R> extends
        java.util.function.Function<T, R> {

    R call(T input);

    default R apply(T input) {
        return call(input);

public interface Function<T, R> extends<T, R> {

    R call(T input);

    default R apply(T input) {
        return call(input);

public interface Function<T, R> extends
        java.util.function.Function<T, R>,<T, R> {

    R call(T input);

    default R apply(T input) {
        return call(input);

public interface Function<T, R> extends
        java.util.function.Function<T, R>,<T, R> {

    R apply(T input);

Is there a reason the first version won't compile?


  • As stated in the comments, it compiles fine with the oracle compiler. It is an eclipse bug.

    Awaiting for a bug fix, personally i will remove the annotation @FunctionalInterface (your 3rd variation):

    public interface Function<T, R>
                                        java.util.function.Function<T, R>,
                              <T, R> {
        R call(T input);
        default R apply(T input) {
            return call(input);

    The major inconvenient of this solution is that the eclipse compiler bug prevent from using the Function as a lambda target type.

    If you really want to keep @FunctionalInterface on your Function, a (ugly) workaround might be to introduce an intermediate interface:

    public interface AdapterFunction<T, R>
                                              java.util.function.Function<T, R>,
                                    <T, R> {
        default R apply(T input) {
            return null;

    and let your Function extends this AdapterFunction:

    public interface Function<T, R>
                                        AdapterFunction<T, R> {
        R call(T input);
        default R apply(T input) {
            return call(input);

    In this case, the Function is a valid target type for eclipse too:

    Function<String, Object> function = st -> st.toString();