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Clearcase trigger: locked vs obsolete

According to IBM technote 21468084, a trigger should be unlocked to operate are locked (obsolete) to be disabled.

The ClearCase help for lock also says: In general, locking a trigger type does not inhibit triggers of that type from firing. Exception: Trigger firing is inhibited if a trigger type created with mktrtype –element –all, mktrtype –ucm –all or if mktrtype –type is made obsolete (using lock –obsolete).

But a trigger can be in state "locked", not "obsolete". Is the "locked" behaviour then the same as "unlocked" unless actually "obsolete" ?

ps: if so, you'd think they would disallow setting locked !

Thanks, Ian


  • Is the "locked" behaviour then the same as "unlocked" unless actually "obsolete" ?

    No. That behavior only applies to trigger types. Not trigger themselves.

    if a trigger is only disabled when the type it is in (obsolete ) state, is there a difference between being locked or unlocked ?

    The difference is only that in a locked trigger (trigger, not trtype), it cannot be changed by anyone (it is locked).
    That differs from it being able to fire or not, which depends on the trigger type state.