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how can I see how many Flexlm licenses are being used in clearcase (script)?

I need to make a script in order to better monitor the licenses left for ClearCase.

I am getting the following error.
Is there any command to check how many tokens are being used and how many are free for me to use in a script?

Could not get a license! Message is:
Licensed number of users already reached
Feature:       ****
License path:  /**/***/****/license.dat
FLEXlm error:  -4,132
For further information, refer to the FLEXlm End User Manual,
available at "".


  • The original command is clearlicense.

    But if, when typing clearlicense, you get "Error: No clearlicense information available. Use FLEXlm utilities instead", that means that, indeed, you are using Flexlm to manage the token.

    In that case, your ClearCase admin must access the Flexlm Admin tool, in order to get a status of the licenses used.
    (It should be the IBM Rational License Key Administrator")

    You have a fairly comprehensive FAQ on Flexlm Token management here (word document).

    It confirms:

    FlexLM Error -4,132 - the feature failed to check out 

    This error message will occur trying to check out a license when all tokens are in use.

    Seth Robertson adds in the comments:

    To complete the answer, you can use the following command to get the flexlm license information:

    lmutil  lmstat -f -c /path/to/license/file 

    which includes active checkouts of licenses.

    Brian Cowan suggests (in 2022, 8 years later) in the comments:

    lmutil lmstat -f ClearCase -c {license port@host} 
    lmutil lmstat -f TLSTOK -c {license port@host}... 

    The latter would need to be filtered on lines with "ClearCase".
    The feature name is required.