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How to add holidays to kendo scheduler?

Is anybody know how to add holidays to kendo scheduler?

I mean in a holiday user shouldn't be able to add any events.


  • I suggest to add a custom class in my example i created class k-holiday or maybe utilize kendo class k-non-workhour and on dataBound function add this :

    dataBound: function () {
        var scheduler = this;
        //get scheduler view
        var schedulerView = this.view();
        //loop through all slot/event/tile
        schedulerView.table.find("td[role=gridcell]").each(function () {
            //find start date
            var slot = scheduler.slotByElement($(this));
            var CONSTANT_HOLIDAY_DATE = new Date("2013/6/11");
            CONSTANT_HOLIDAY_DATE.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
            slot.startDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
            //compare date curent event with holiday
            if (slot.startDate.getTime() == CONSTANT_HOLIDAY_DATE.getTime()) {
            } else {

    i created a holiday on this particular Date new Date("2013/6/11") where later on all event/slot on this date will have k-holiday class, then you want to add this to your edit function :

    edit: function (e) {
        var uid = e.container.attr('data-uid');
              var element = e.sender.element.find('div.k-event[data-uid="' + uid + '"]');
        var slot =$("#scheduler").data("kendoScheduler").slotByElement(element);

    above condition will filter event that is double clicked / edited , where it will prevent the event that has k-holiday to open the popup. Please refer to this kendo dojo

    Note : on that example you will notice that on tuesday 6/11 you can't trigger the edit/add new event, but on the day other than that you still can