SELECT * FROM `surveys` INNER JOIN `surveyusers` ON `surveyusers`.`survID` = `surveys`.`survID` WHERE `surveyusers`.`hasWon` = 0 ORDER BY RAND();
UPDATE surveys SET winner = email;
This was a school assignment that required us to select and update the survey winner.
I use PHP to manage and show surveys, I want the SQL to pick the winner. PHP sets survID
I want to pick a random winner and set the winner coloumn in surveys table to the email in the surveyusers table. But I really have a lot of trouble with it.
Updates can take the same syntax as a Select.
You can combine these two queries into one.
UPDATE `surveys` `s` SET `s`.`winner` = (
SELECT email FROM `surveyusers`
WHERE `surveyusers`.`hasWon` = 0
AND `survID` = 1
) WHERE `survID` = 1;
The survID you would have to set from PHP of course.