I need to convert the number of days into years, months, days.
Example: A Employee Experience to be calculated as per his Date of join(DOJ)
and date of Relieve(DOR)
. We have a DOJ, DOR and Number
of Days he is worked as a employee.
Have to Calculate the How many Years and Months and Days.
Example : DOJ = 14 Feb 2000
DOR = 08 aug 2013
Output : 13 Years - 5 Months - 25 Days
Thanks in Advance....
This works for me:
var dor = new DateTime(2013, 08, 08);
var doj = new DateTime(2000, 02, 14);
var totalmonths = (dor.Year - doj.Year) * 12 + dor.Month - doj.Month;
totalmonths += dor.Day < doj.Day ? -1 : 0;
var years = totalmonths / 12;
var months = totalmonths % 12;
var days = dor.Subtract(doj.AddMonths(totalmonths)).Days;