I'm trying to instantiate a class based on a function type parameter.
Although the documentation says it is possible, I can't make it work.
Consider the following code:
// Dialog base class
// Every dialog in my application will derive from this
class Dialog
public function new()
// do some stuff here
// One of the possible dialogs in the application
// Extends Dialog
class TestDialog extends Dialog
public function new()
// do some more stuff
// A simple class that tries to instantiate a specialized dialog, like TestDialog
class SomeAppClass
public function new()
var instance = create(TestDialog);
function create<T:Dialog>(type:Class<T>):T
return new T();
This doesn't work with the following error:
create.T does not have a constructor
Clearly, I'm doing something wrong, but what?
could have a different constructor than Dialog
So you have to constraint it and then also constraint to Dialog
typedef Constructible = {
public function new():Void;
// Dialog base class
// Every dialog in my application will derive from this
class Dialog
public function new()
class SuperDialog extends Dialog
public function new()
trace("super dialog");
// A simple class that tries to instantiate a specialized dialog, like TestDialog
class SomeAppClass
public function new()
var dialog = create(Dialog);
var superDialog = create(SuperDialog);
public static function create<T:(Constructible,Dialog)>(type:Class<T>):T
return new T();
class Test {
static public function main() {
new SomeAppClass();