When saving a certain entity I want to send a notification email if the Approved
property of this entity has changed.
if (changedEntity.Entity is Option)
// Pseudo
if changedEntity.Entity.Approved changed {
send notification()
Is there a certain way to do this? Or can it be done by comparing the CurrentValues
against the OriginalValues
If you know the specific entity that you want to 'watch', you can use the EntityAspect.propertyChanged event (see: http://breeze.github.io/doc-js/api-docs/classes/EntityAspect.html#event_propertyChanged) like this:
// assume order is an order entity attached to an EntityManager.
myEntity.entityAspect.propertyChanged.subscribe(function(propertyChangedArgs) {
// this code will be executed anytime a property value changes on the 'myEntity' entity.
if ( propertyChangedArgs.propertyName === "Approved") {
// perform your logic here.
Or if you want to watch a specific property on every entity, you can perform a similar test using the EntityManger.entityChanged event (see: http://breeze.github.io/doc-js/api-docs/classes/EntityManager.html#event_entityChanged)
myEntityManager.entityChanged.subscribe(function (args) {
// entity will be the entity that was just changed;
var entity = args.entity;
// entityAction will be the type of change that occured.
var entityAction = args.entityAction;
if (entityAction == breeze.EntityAction.PropertyChange) {
var propChangArgs = args.args;
if (propChangeArgs.propertyName === "Approved") {
// perform your logic here
More detail can be found here: http://breeze.github.io/doc-js/lap-changetracking.html