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jQuery Image Map links change html in div

I am trying to display content based on the image map links. Example, click on a state, and show that state's html div content.

<img src="/territories.jpg" usemap="#Map" />

<map name="Map" id="Map">
  <area shape="poly" coords="5,49" href="#links" alt=""/>
  <area shape="poly" coords="4,137" href="#links" alt=""/>
  <area shape="poly" coords="-62,186" href="#links"/> alt=""/>

<div id="state1">State One Content</div>
<div id="state2">State Two Content</div>
<div id="state3">State Three Content</div>

A working example, but not an image map.

A working image map, but this one only displays one state


  • You can do this by matching the area item match the id of the state.

    Heres a quick example code,

    <map name="Map" id="Map">
      <area shape="poly" coords="5,49" href="#links" alt="" item="state1" />
      <area shape="poly" coords="4,137" href="#links" alt="" item="state2" />
      <area shape="poly" coords="-62,186" href="#links" alt="" item="state3" />
    <div id="state1">State One Content</div>
    <div id="state2">State Two Content</div>
    <div id="state3">State Three Content</div>
            var target = $(;
            var item = target.attr('item');
              alert($("#" + item).html());

    Here is a fixed version of your working example:

    <img src="" alt="" usemap="#texasmap" id="" />
    <map id="usaMap" name="texasmap">
        <area shape="circle" coords="135,150,45" href="#" alt="" item="Rebuplic of Texas" id="texasArea"/>
        <area shape="circle" coords="250,180,35" href="#" alt="" item="Florida Area" id="floridaArea"/>
    <div id="message"></div>
        var target = $(;
        var targetId = target.attr('id');
        var item = target.attr('item');
          $("#" + targetId).show(); //By using "#" + targetId it chooses whatever ID is clicked on
          $("#message").html("You clicked the " + item).show(); //by changing the item value to what you want to display it will show it on click, and it replaces the html