I am working on iOS-ui-Automation and would like to extract the UIATableCell value. The procedure is as following:
The following code snippet of TEST.JS is used to test the App:
if ( target.frontMostApp().mainWindow().tableViews()[0].checkIsValid() )
UIALogger.logStart("Table view recognized ...");
var TableViewInfo = target.frontMostApp().mainWindow().tableViews()[0].cells()[0]
In the instruments log I see the following:
UIATableView "(null)" {{99, 99}, {99, 99}}
elements: {
UIATableCell "xyz" {{99, 99}, {99, 99}}
elements: {
UIAStaticText "xyz" {{99, 99}, {99, 99}}
UIAWebView "(null)" {{99, 99}, {99, 99}}
elements: {
UIAStaticText "xyz." {{99, 99}, {99, 99}}
How would you read out "xyz" and log it out in TEST.JS?
To extract the "xyz" string from an element, you should be able to use the .name()
method on it.
In this case, it looks like that would be TableViewInfo.cells()[0].name()