I've got two Filelist objects containing multiple files in a same form and I want to merge it.
var data1 = $('#one')[0].files;
var data2 = $('#two')[0].files;
var obj = $.merge(data1,data2);
I tried $.merge
and $.extend
, the result obj seems have all the files, but the length of it is incorrect:
FileList {2: File, 3: File, 0: File, 1: File, length: 2}
jsFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/nxtdnhgu/
From jquery documentation.
The $.merge() function is destructive. It alters the length and numeric index properties of the first object to include items from the second.
If you need the original first array, make a copy of it before calling $.merge().
var obj = $.merge( $.merge( [], data1 ), data2 );
Working js fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/t1n08ykd/