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Using JS-Navigator from PyV8

I am attempting to use JS Navigator from a Python script, running pyv8.

The error I am being hit with is:

ReferenceError: navigator is not defined

I have tried the same code in JSFiddle and it works great, I can only assume running the JS from a browser allows access to more functions that the V8 engine allows.

Unfortunately my knowledge of JS (and pretty much anything web!) is very limited, i'm sure this is a trivial question for anyone with web experience, would someone kindly explain fundamentally why this happens, and how can I can go about avoiding it?


Trying to get the outputs from this JSFiddle.

And so far my Python code is:

import PyV8

ctxt = PyV8.JSContext()

I'm certain theres problems with that aswell (i.e actually showing the values), however right now i'm more concerned about why navigator is undefined.


  • Off the bat I'd say that because you are not within a browser environment, there is no navigator global property available.

    You'll need to find another way to get geolocation information... possibly using a Python library?