i have a couple questions about my program. I am attempting to create a java gui program that takes the user input (eng) and then translate it to morse code. I need to go through characters of the input one characters at a time. How do i do this? i know you need to use charAt(i) for this but i really don't understand how to apply it to this program. Also, how do i convert StringBuilder to string, to put in the label? thanks a lot for your time. heres what i have so far.
Map<Character,String> charToCode = new HashMap<Character,String>();
charToCode.put('A', ".-");
charToCode.put('B', "-...");
charToCode.put('C', "-.-.");
charToCode.put('D', "-..");
charToCode.put('E', ".");
charToCode.put('F', "..-.");
charToCode.put('G', "--.");
charToCode.put('H', "....");
charToCode.put('I', "....");
charToCode.put('J', ".---");
charToCode.put('K', "-.-");
charToCode.put('L', ".-..");
charToCode.put('M', "--");
charToCode.put('N', "-.");
charToCode.put('O', "---");
charToCode.put('P', ".--.");
charToCode.put('Q', "--.-");
charToCode.put('R', ".-.");
charToCode.put('S', "...");
charToCode.put('T', "-");
charToCode.put('U', "..-");
charToCode.put('V', "...-");
charToCode.put('W', "..-");
charToCode.put('X', "-..-");
charToCode.put('Y', "-.--");
charToCode.put('Z', "--..");
text1.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
String input = text2.getText();
button.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
String input = text1.getText();
Iterate over all characters in the string with a for-loop. For the conversion from StringBuilder
to String
: StringBuilder.toString()
returns the content of the StringBuilder
public String parseCode(Map<Character , String> morseAlphabet , String input){
StringBuilder morse = new StringBuilder();
//iterate over the indices of all characters in range
for(int i = 0 ; i < input.length() ; i++)
if(morseAlphabet.get(input.charAt(i)) == null)
//the character has no valid representation in morse-alphabet
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown sign: \\u" + (int) input.charAt(i));
//append the correct morsesign to the output
return morse.toString();