I'm using Durandal, which in turn leverages off of Knockout.
I want to be able to Change validation lengths dynamically
The fiddle seems to be behaving slightly different than my "working" solution, but its still not doing what I'm wanting/expecting it to.
Viewmodel JS:
[Attempt 1]
define(function () {
var self = this;
self.userInfo = {
IdOrPassportNumber: ko.observable().extend({
required: true,
pattern: {
message: 'A message',
params: /some regex/
IdType: ko.observable()
self.isIdValid = ko.validatedObservable({
IdOrPassportNumber: self.userInfo.IdOrPassportNumber
self.userInfo.IdOrPassportNumber.subscribe(function (value) {
if (isIdValid.isValid()) {
self.userInfo.IdType.subscribe(function (value) {
if (value === 'Passport') {
self.userInfo.IdOrPassportNumber.extend({ maxLength: 15 });
} else {
self.userInfo.IdOrPassportNumber.extend({ maxLength: 13 });
var viewModel = {
userInfo: self.userInfo
viewModel["errors"] = ko.validation.group(viewModel.userInfo);
return viewModel;
What seems to be happening is that when i start typing i get the max & min validation of 13, but if i continue typing the validation changes to 15. I have tried another route of, setting the min & max length in the initial observable extend EG, just after the regex, and then setting the min and max length to use an observable, to no success.
[Attempt 2]
self.userInfo = {
IdOrPassportNumber: ko.observable().extend({
maxLength: self.maxLength(),
minlength: self.maxLength()
IdType: ko.observable()
self.maxLength = ko.observable();
self.userInfo.IdType.subscribe(function (value) {
if (value === 'Passport') {
} else {
You were so close :-)
You must provide the observable itself, not the unwrapped value. So just remove the ()
from maxLength()
- the validation library will automatically unwrap it for you.
self.userInfo = {
IdOrPassportNumber: ko.observable().extend({
maxLength: self.maxLength,
minlength: self.maxLength
IdType: ko.observable()
Here's another example with dynamic regex patterns.
zipPostalPattern = ko.pureComputed(() => this.countryCode() === 'US' ? '^\\d{5}(?:[-\\s]\\d{4})?$' : '');
zipOrPostal: KnockoutObservable<string> = ko.observable('').extend(
required: true,
pattern: {
message: 'This is not a valid postcode for the country',
params: this.zipPostalPattern
or (if you don't want a message).
zipPostalPattern = ko.pureComputed(function() { return this.countryCode() === 'US' ? '^\\d{5}(?:[-\\s]\\d{4})?$' : ''});
zipOrPostal: KnockoutObservable<string> = ko.observable('').extend(
required: true,
pattern: self.zipPostalPattern
Important: If you don't want a custom message don't just remove the message
parameter and leave pattern = { params: this.zipPostalPattern }
because it won't work. If you don't have a message you must set the Regex/string directly for the pattern
Or of course you can just define the computed observable in place (here it's ok to call countryCode()
as a function because that's how computed's work)
zipOrPostal: KnockoutObservable<string> = ko.observable('').extend(
required: true,
pattern: ko.pureComputed(function() {
return self.countryCode() === 'US' ? '^\\d{5}(?:[-\\s]\\d{4})?$' : ''