So what I would like is a very simple edit text with input type number or decimal that has the following aspects.
Number Edit Text:
You can only type up to Long.MAX_VALUE
, so I can cast to a long
without modifying the user's input.
Number Decimal Edit Text:
You can only type a number convertible to a double
Also I do not need to use BigDecimal or BigIntegers, I need primitive values. Finally, I know this was already asked here but it is not what I want. There are some different requirements.
I managed to do it with a custom class extending EditText
that adds a TextWatcher
in the constructor. In the afterTextChanged
method it tries to convert that to a long. If it fails (NumberFormatException
) it sets the number to the respective min / max value (based on the "-" sign at the beggining of the number).