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Paper.js with webpack

I'm trying to use paper.js with webpack using react-starter-kit.

Just for the reference, I had to install json-loader and node-loader, also I had to add node to webpack config, to get rid of the build errors like this

ERROR in ./~/paper/dist/paper-node.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'fs' in /home/bojan/www/react/MyApp/node_modules/paper/dist
 @ ./~/paper/dist/paper-node.js 4808:3-16 10779:10-23 12253:10-23

This is what my webpack.config.js looks like

var config = {

  resolve: {
    extensions: ['', '.webpack.js', '.web.js', '.js', '.jsx', '.json', '.node']

  module: {
    loaders: [
        test: /\.json$/,
        loader: "json-loader"
        test: /\.node$/,
        loader: "node-loader"

  node: {
    child_process: 'empty',
    console: 'empty',
    dgram: 'empty',
    dns: 'empty',
    fs: 'empty',
    net: 'empty',
    tls: 'empty'

I still get some warning during the gulp build though:

WARNING in ./~/paper/dist/paper-node.js
require.extensions is not supported by webpack. Use a loader instead.

WARNING in ./~/paper/dist/paper-node.js
Critical dependencies:
12263:19-26 require function is used in a way in which dependencies cannot be statically extracted
 @ ./~/paper/dist/paper-node.js 12263:19-26

WARNING in ./~/paper/~/jsdom/~/acorn-globals/~/acorn/dist/walk.js
Critical dependencies:
1:503-510 This seems to be a pre-built javascript file. Though this is possible, it's not recommended. Try to require the original source to get better results.
 @ ./~/paper/~/jsdom/~/acorn-globals/~/acorn/dist/walk.js 1:503-510

WARNING in ./~/paper/~/jsdom/~/acorn-globals/~/acorn/dist/acorn.js
Critical dependencies:
1:478-485 This seems to be a pre-built javascript file. Though this is possible, it's not recommended. Try to require the original source to get better results.
 @ ./~/paper/~/jsdom/~/acorn-globals/~/acorn/dist/acorn.js 1:478-485

WARNING in ./~/paper/~/request/~/hawk/~/hoek/lib/index.js
Critical dependencies:
403:34-60 the request of a dependency is an expression
 @ ./~/paper/~/request/~/hawk/~/hoek/lib/index.js 403:34-60

Also I get an error in the browser console:

Uncaught Error: Cannot open /home/bojan/www/react/MyApp/node_modules/paper/node_modules/canvas/build/Release/canvas.node: TypeError: process.dlopen is not a function
    (anonymous function) @ canvas.node:1
    map../paper-core @ app.js:95332
    __webpack_require__ @ bootstrap 62fa91d09bcc96ef0556:19
    (anonymous function) @ bindings.js:2
    __webpack_require__ @ bootstrap 62fa91d09bcc96ef0556:19
    (anonymous function) @ canvas.js:12
    __webpack_require__ @ bootstrap 62fa91d09bcc96ef0556:19
    (anonymous function) @ paper-node.js:10243
    (anonymous function) @ paper-node.js:33
    (anonymous function) @ paper-node.js:12290
    __webpack_require__ @ bootstrap 62fa91d09bcc96ef0556:19
    (anonymous function) @ CbPaper.js:7
    Object.defineProperty.value @ CbPaper.js:146
    __webpack_require__ @ bootstrap 62fa91d09bcc96ef0556:19
    Object.defineProperty.value @ App.js:12
    __webpack_require__ @ bootstrap 62fa91d09bcc96ef0556:19
    exports.TYPES.INTEGER @ app.js:5
    __webpack_require__ @ bootstrap 62fa91d09bcc96ef0556:19
    obj.__esModule.default @ bootstrap 62fa91d09bcc96ef0556:39
    (anonymous function) @ bootstrap 62fa91d09bcc96ef0556:39

Any ideas? I am fairly new to the whole webpack/node ecosystem, so I might be doing something wrong.


  • The PaperJS build on npm is paper-node, which is the NodeJS version of PaperJS. It depends on jsdom and node-canvas which won't work in the browser.

    I'm afraid you'll need to use bower to retrieve the client version of PaperJS, or link to for the paper dependency in your package.json.

    "dependencies": {
      "paper": "paperjs/paper.js"

    Then require PaperJS via require('paper/dist/paper-full').

    As @bebraw points out, you can select a specific version of PaperJS by providing a tag. See the Releases page. Since the current version is 0.9.22, the last snippet would become:

    "dependencies": {
      "paper": "paperjs/paper.js#v0.9.22"