I'm trying to detect flash support, and I'm trying to proceed like in this answer: Cross Browser Flash Detection in Javascript
My code is the following, but I always get the same error: swfobject is not defined. I shouldn't get that because I'm trying it in browsers that do support flash (chrome and firefox).
console.log("you have swfobject.");
console.log("You have flash!");
console.log("You do not flash :(");
console.log("you don't have swfobject");
Is this a problem with newest browsers? Is there any other way to detect it?
MDN page on flash led me through a completly diferent path:
var plugin = navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"].enabledPlugin;
var description = plugin.description;
var versionArray = description.match(/[\d.]+/g);
var flashVersionOSXScriptable = 12;
var flashVersion = parseInt(versionArray[0]);
if(flashVersion >= flashVersionOSXScriptable){
console.log("you have flash");
console.log("you don't have flash");
console.log("you don't have flash");