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Yahoo authentication by OAuth without any redirection(client-side). Is it possible?

Is there a way to make a oauth authentication (get the user token and secret) without any redirection or refreshing my app page.

So the flow should be:

  1. Users clicks the "Login with Yahoo!" button
  2. Popup with login form and then access form appears.
  3. When user allow app to get his information popup closes and return information in JSON
  4. Javascript callback function can read user's token and secret.

I was searching a lot and haven't found solution for that. Can you tell me is it possible and give me a tip what should I search for or what should I use ? If you provide some sample code I will be very happy.

LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter have their own JS SDK or/and JSAPI which include authentication and works great. I haven't found something like that on Yahoo.


  • There is now a simple way to do that. Use - it makes easy to authenticate with a lot of identity providers.