My aim is to stock how many times a dice has faced a number between 1 and 6 for 10 throws.
It should be something like:
1 = 3 time(s)
2 = 4 time(s)
3 = 0 time(s)
4 = 1 time(s)
5= 1 time(s)
6 = 1 time(s)
Total = 10 times (or throws)
I've Written so far this code
int final FACES = 6;
int final THROWS = 10;
int nbTimes[] = new int[FACES];
int Face;
for(int thr = 1; thr < THROWS ; thr++){
Face = throwDice();
if (Face == Face)
nbTimes[Face] +=1;
Where throwDice()
gives me a random number between 1 and 6. I have this already done.
The following line will always return true
and is redundant:
if (Face == Face)
If you'll remove this line (and its predecessor) it'll work fine (as well):
int final FACES = 6;
int final THROWS = 10;
int nbTimes[] = new int[FACES];
int Face;
for(int thr = 0; thr < THROWS ; thr++){ // int thr = 0 !!! (if you want 10 throws)
nbTimes[throwDice()] += 1;