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OJDBC connection with NetBeans

I'm trying to establish a new connection with Oracle database with ojdbc7 driver and when I get to the "Customize Connection" step, i get the following message:

Cannot establish a connection to jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE using oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver (ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied


Can anyone explain what to do? I tried putting in different formats of username and password, I tried stopping and then starting the database again (Express Edition 11g), I couldn't find anything on the web...

screenshot of the mentioned step


  • Oracle has a very detailed tutorial on how to setup a connection from Netbeans to Oracle Express Edition

    You can only connect using already existing users, If you want to create a new user you need to do that directly in the database

    Regardingthe JDBC url sintax here is an example

    jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/xe, username = sys and password = 123456