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Tic tac toe vs computer class

I am writing a tic tac toe game. My logic is in a class that's why I have some difficulties. My board is a matrix. Firstly, I put X when I click a button, then the computer choose a block where to put O. In the class I save the value of the matrix element but I don't know how to show it on the winform. Here is a part of my code..

public string ToggleNextLetter()
        if (!changedLetterX)
            changedLetterX = true;
            return this.nextLetter = "X";

        changedLetterX = false;
        return this.nextLetter = "O";

//Reserve the position of the X from the form

public string[,] Matrix(int row, int col, string value)
        this.field[row, col] = value;

        return this.field;

public string[,] MoveComputer()

        //priority 1: get tick tac toe
        //priority 2: block x tic tac toe
        //priority 3: go for corner space
        //priority 4: pick open space

        string move;

        move = LookForWinOrBlock("O"); //look for win
        if(move == null)
            move = LookForWinOrBlock("X"); //look for block
            if (move == null)
                move = LookForCorner();
                if (move == null)
                    move = LookForOpenSpace();

        return move;

private void btn_click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Button btn = (Button)sender;
        int btnRow = Convert.ToInt32(btn.Tag) / 10;
        int btnCol = Convert.ToInt32(btn.Tag) % 10;
        btn.Text = game.ToggleNextLetter();
        game.Matrix(btnRow, btnCol, btn.Text);
        btn.Enabled = false;
        //btn.Text = game.ToggleNextLetter();

        if (game.HasWinner())
            foreach (var control in Controls)
                    Button b = (Button)control;
                    b.Enabled = false;
                catch { }
            MessageBox.Show("The winner is " + btn.Text);


  • Just separate your functions

    public string[,] MoveComputer() {
        // just add this line
        MakePlay(btnRow, btnCol, btnText);
        return move;
    private void btn_click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Button btn = (Button)sender;
        int btnRow = Convert.ToInt32(btn.Tag) / 10;
        int btnCol = Convert.ToInt32(btn.Tag) % 10;
        btn.Text = game.ToggleNextLetter();
        MakePlay((btnRow, btnCol, btn.Text);
    private void MakePlay(int btnRow, int btnCol, string btnText) {
        game.Matrix(btnRow, btnCol, btn.Text);
        btn.Enabled = false;
        //btn.Text = game.ToggleNextLetter();
        if (game.HasWinner())
            foreach (var control in Controls)
                    Button b = (Button)control;
                    b.Enabled = false;
                catch { }
            MessageBox.Show("The winner is " + btn.Text);