I'm using eclipse subversive. I accidentally remove a file from my local svn folder, refreshed the synchronize view, then added it back again, and refreshed the svn synchronize view.
Now when I right-click on the file and select 'open in compare editor' I get the following error message:
Get content for 'editor.cfm' failed.
svn: Cannot read from 'C:\workspace\abc\.svn\text-base\editor.cfm.svn-base': C:\workspace\abc\.svn\text-base\editor.cfm.svn-base'
(The system cannot find the file specified)
When I check in the folder I see that instead of file editor.cfm.svn-base
there is the file editor.cfm.svn-revert
How do I fix this problem? It seems that I have to somehow add the file back in.
I solved it the following way:
Now everything is back to normal.