I recently ran into a bug where an entire Erlang application died, yielding a log message that looked like this:
=INFO REPORT==== 11-Jun-2010::11:07:25 ===
application: myapp
exited: shutdown
type: temporary
I have no idea what triggered this shutdown, but the real problem I have is that it didn't restart itself. Instead, the now-empty Erlang VM just sat there doing nothing.
Now, from the research I've done, it looks like there are other "start types" you can give an application: 'transient' and 'permanent'.
If I start a Supervisor within an application, I can tell it to make a particular process transient or permanent, and it will automatically restart it for me. However, according to the documentation, if I make an application transient or permanent, it doesn't restart it when it dies, but rather it kills all the other applications as well.
What I really want to do is somehow tell the Erlang VM that a particular application should always be running, and if it goes down, restart it. Is this possible to do?
(I'm not talking about implementing a supervisor on top of my application, because then it's a catch 22: what if my supervisor process crashes? I'm looking for some sort of API or setting that I can use to have Erlang monitor and restart my application for me.)
You should be able to fix this in the top-level supervisor: set the restart strategy to allow one million restarts every second, and the application should never crash. Something like:
init(_Args) -> {ok, {{one_for_one, 1000000, 1}, [{ch3, {ch3, start_link, []}, permanent, brutal_kill, worker, [ch3]}]}}.
(Example adapted from the OTP Design Principles User Guide.)