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JQuery UI Selectable Box Dimensions / Properties

Basically, I'd like to set the tolerance to fit when I drag the mouse from left to right, and touch when I go from right to left (akin to how CAD programs do it). I've looked around and, besides modifying the standard JQuery UI code to move at least 2 variables into a global scope (I'd prefer not to modify any of the standard files), there doesn't seem to be a method of doing this.

The current method I can see involves modifying the _mouseDrag function within selectable method, so as to move the x1 and x2 variables to a more global state to read them (they represent the start and end points of the selected area box horizontally).

To clarify:

  • JQuery = 1.10.2 (Same as in the JQuery UI demo's)
  • JQuery UI = 1.11.4 (Same as in the JQuery UI demo's) (Line 12059 is the start of _mouseDrag)
  • Browser = Firefox on Ubuntu 14.04, everything up to date


  • You can check on mousemove if the clientX is less or more than clientX on the start event and modify the tolerance option depending. Like this:

           start: function (e, ui) {
                startX = e.clientX;
                $('#selectable').mousemove(function (e) {
                    if (e.clientX < startX) {
                        $('#selectable').selectable('option', 'tolerance', 'touch');
                    } else {
                        $('#selectable').selectable('option', 'tolerance', 'fit');