I have many excel files that I need to load and merge into a single data frame.
The script below works! However, before merging all files I want to paste each file name in a new column.
filelist <- list.files(pattern = "*\\.xlsx$")
files = lapply(filelist, read.xls, header=TRUE)
new = Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all=T), files)
So I added this:
files$source <- file_path_sans_ext(filelist)
However, this didn't work.
My desired output is:
Col1 Col2 Col3 Source(this column doesnt exist in excel)
abc 1 2 Filename1
def 3 4 Filename2
How can I achieve this?
source <- file_path_sans_ext(filelist)
files1 <- Map(cbind, files, Source=source)
# Col1 Col2 Source
#1 A 0.5365853 Filname1
#2 A 0.4196231 Filname1
# Col1 Col2 Source
#1 A 0.847460 Filname2
#2 C 0.266022 Filname2
# Col1 Col2 Source
#1 C -0.4664951 Filname3
#2 C -0.8483700 Filname3
files <- lapply(1:3, function(i) data.frame(Col1=sample(LETTERS[1:3], 2,
replace=TRUE), Col2=rnorm(2)))
filelist <- paste0('Filname', 1:3, '.txt')