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DNX does not work

I have installed dnvm successfully on windows server 2008. but when I run "dnx", nothing shown. no error message like this:


someone had the same problem?


  • First of all you need to understand structure of DNX. By default it's installed in %USERPROFILE%\.dnx. Inside of it you should find runtimes folder containing all of installed CLRs e.g.

    • dnx-clr-win-x86.1.0.0-beta4
    • dnx-clr-win-x86.1.0.0-beta6-11938

    Each of them has its own bin folder with dnx.exe and dnu.cmd. These are the ones you are looking for. So basically after executing dnvm upgrade (as suggested by @tugberk) DNVM installs latest DNX from feed, marks it as default and adds it to user's PATH variable. Your PATH might has not been updated for some reason and I suggest you do it manually by including path to your desired CLR version.

    It is also possible to install CLR to machine-wide location by adding -g flag.

    After try to run: C:\>dnx


    Microsoft .NET Execution environment CLR-x86-1.0.0-beta6-11938
    Usage: dnx [options] ...

    Detailed documentation on DNVM - ASP.NET Home / Version Manager