I'm writing an Intranet application. Target framework in project.json is dnx451. That's my publishing command:
dnu publish --runtime dnx-clr-win-x86.1.0.0-rc1-update1 --no-source
Database Connection string:
I'm trying to impersonate the database access but it's not working. When I start the application my windows user is recognized and it says Hello, Domain\Username on top right. As soon as I try to access the database I get the error "Login failed for user Domain\Computername". If I run the application pool under my user then everything works fine.
IIS: .NET CLR Versio is v4.0, Managed Pipline Mode Classic and Identity is ApplicationPoolIdentity. Website authentications: ASP.NET Impersonation and Windows Authentication are enabled.
What do I need to change that impersonation is finally working?
Core does not support impersonation because all web code is out of proc, hosted by Kestrel. If you want to do it you need to take the current Principal, as a WindowsPrincipal, then manually impersonate at the point where you need it.
One thing to note is that in RC1 you don't get a WindowsPrincipal, so you can't do this right now. It'll be fixed in RC2.