I'm using rectangles for collision detection and a rectangle is created every 3 seconds, I wan't the rectangle to move upward just like my sprite but .translateY()
method can't be used on rectangle.
this is what I did to my sprites stored on ArrayList:
for(Sprite sprite:mySprite){
and this is what I did on rectangles which does not work:
for(Rectangle rect:myRect){
it is possible that your rectangle is being drawn in poscición you tell them, but setY is not the same, which translateY, simple explanation:
if for example deltaTime = 1 aprox. and movementeSpeed = 5. you always drawing the rectangle in the same position, with minimal variation in delta maybe just not appreciated:
your position is rect.setY(5); all time.
try this
for(Rectangle rect:myRect){
rect.setY(rect.getY() + (deltaTime*movementSpeed));
I hope this help.