DataTable dtInventory = new DataTable();
dtInventory.Columns.Add("ItemID", typeof(string));
dtInventory.Columns.Add("ItemImageUrl", typeof(string));
dtInventory.Columns.Add("ItemName", typeof(string));
dtInventory.Columns.Add("Tradeable", typeof(string));
string json = new WebClient().DownloadString("storeJSON.txt");
JToken jsonInventory = JToken.Parse(json);
JObject jsonItemData = jsonInventory["StoreData"].Value<JObject>();
foreach (JProperty jItemID in jsonItemData.Properties())
string sItemID = jItemID.Name.Trim().ToString();
for (int i = 0; i < jsonItemData.Count; i++)
DataRow dtRow = dtInventory.NewRow();
dtRow["ItemID"] = sItemID.ToString();
dtRow["ItemImageUrl"] = jsonItemData[sItemID]["icon_url"].ToString();
dtRow["ItemName"] = jsonItemData[sItemID]["market_name"].ToString();
dtRow["Tradeable"] = jsonItemData[sItemID]["tradable"].ToString();
this.rptInventory.DataSource = dtInventory;
I'm newbie to c# and and it took me 2 hours to fix these codes but I still can't bind items to DataTable. Please help me out.
It looks like you're not adding the rows to the table so when the binding takes place, there's no data. This should fix that problem:
for (int i = 0; i < jsonItemData.Count; i++) {
DataRow dtRow = dtInventory.NewRow();
dtRow["ItemID"] = sItemID.ToString();
dtRow["ItemImageUrl"] = jsonItemData[sItemID]["icon_url"].ToString();
dtRow["ItemName"] = jsonItemData[sItemID]["market_name"].ToString();
dtRow["Tradeable"] = jsonItemData[sItemID]["tradable"].ToString();
dtInventory.Rows.Add(dtRow); //this line adds the row to the table