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AngularJS - Click event (in directive) triggers when anywhere in the parent is clicked

I'm going to do my best to explain my issue - bear with me.

This whole thing is a directive for file selection:

enter image description here

The directive has an ng-transclude component that contains a few directives, contained in their own divs.

Parent directive:

<div class="extra-cells">
    <div ng-transclude class="extra-cells-row"></div>

ng-transclude content:

<div file-upload-directive>
     <div bo-if="">
         <div google-picker>
             <div>Google Drive</div>

     <div bo-if="config.dropbox">
         <div dropbox-chooser>

     <div bo-if="">
         <div ng-click="selectLink()">
             <div>Paste a link</div>

ng-transclude content(visual):

enter image description here

The click event in the offending (dropbox) directive fires when I click anywhere in the highlighted section.

dropboxChooserModule.directive('dropboxChooser', function(dropboxChooserService) {
  return {
    priority: 1,
    restrict: 'EA',
    transclude: true,
    scope: {
      widget: '=',
      options: '=',
      extensions: '=',
    template: '<div class="">' +
      '<div ng-transclude></div>' +
      '<input type="dropbox-chooser" name="selected-file"/></div>',
    link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
      element.bind("click", function(event) {
          success: function(files) {},
          cancel: function() {}
    replace: true

enter image description here

The question is, naturally, what is causing it to trigger and how do I make it stop. It should trigger only when the element with the dropbox directive is clicked.


  • Removing the input element inside the directive seems to have "fixed" the problem.