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purposely causing bank conflicts for shared memory on CUDA device

It is a mystery for me how shared memory on CUDA devices work. I was curious to count threads having access to the same shared memory. For this I wrote a simple program

#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define nblc 13
#define nthr 1024


__device__ int inwarpD[nblc];

__global__ void kernel(){
__shared__ int mywarp;

for (int i=0;i<5;i++) mywarp += (10000*threadIdx.x+1);


int main(int argc, char **argv){
int inwarpH[nblc];

kernel<<<nblc, nthr>>>();

cudaMemcpyFromSymbol(inwarpH, inwarpD, nblc*sizeof(int), 0, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

for (int i=0;i<nblc;i++) printf("%i : %i\n",i, inwarpH[i]);

and ran it on K80 GPU. Since several threads are having access to the same shared memory variable I was expecting that this variable will be updated 5*nthr times, albeit not at the same cycle because of the bank conflict. However, the output indicates that the mywarp shared variable was updated only 5 times. For each blocks different threads accomplished this task:

0 : 35150005
1 : 38350005
2 : 44750005
3 : 38350005
4 : 51150005
5 : 38350005
6 : 38350005
7 : 38350005
8 : 51150005
9 : 44750005
10 : 51150005
11 : 38350005
12 : 38350005

Instead, I was expecting

 523776*10000 + 5*1024 = 5237765120

for each block. Can someone kindly explain me where my understanding of shared memory fails. I would like also to know how would it be possible that all threads in one block access (update) the same shared variable. I know it is not possible at the same MP cycle. Serialization is fine for me because it is going to be a rare event.


  • Lets walk through the ptx that it generates.

    //Declare some registers
    .reg .s32       %r<5>;
    .reg .s64       %rd<4>;
    // demoted variable
    .shared .align 4 .u32 _Z6kernelv$__cuda_local_var_35411_30_non_const_mywarp;
    //load tid in register r1
    mov.u32         %r1, %tid.x;
    //multiple tid*5000+5 and store in r2
    mad.lo.s32      %r2, %r1, 50000, 5;
    //store result in shared memory
    st.shared.u32   [_Z6kernelv$__cuda_local_var_35411_30_non_const_mywarp], %r2;
    bar.sync        0;
    //load from shared memory and store in r3
    ld.shared.u32   %r3, [_Z6kernelv$__cuda_local_var_35411_30_non_const_mywarp];
    mov.u32         %r4, %ctaid.x;
    mul.wide.u32    %rd1, %r4, 4;
    mov.u64         %rd2, inwarpD;
    add.s64         %rd3, %rd2, %rd1;
    //store r3 in global memory   [%rd3], %r3;

    So basically

    for (int i=0;i<5;i++)
        mywarp += (10000*threadIdx.x+1);

    is being optimized down to


    so you're not experiencing a bank-conflict. You are experiencing a race-condition.