I am trying to figure out, if there is a way to access the values from the Company
data array in the onclick
event. So far using the api
functions I only get to the Users
var chartCompany = c3.generate({
bindto: '#users-chart',
data: {
x: 'Company',
url: '/ajax_call',
mimeType: 'json',
type: 'bar',
axes: {
Company: 'x'
onclick: function (d, i) { console.log(chartCompany.data()); }
axis: {
x: {
type: 'category',
show: false
And the json response from the server:
"Company": ["Company 1", "Company 2", "Company 2"],
"Users" : [10, 20, 30]
Any help/ideas will be highly appreciated.
[Edit 1] To elaborate on my question: When clicking on a data from Users (which is displayed as bars) I would like to get the corresponding Company.
[Edit 2] Working static example: http://jsfiddle.net/et37a9t2/
After a lot of trying out different things, I finally just looked at the chart object itself and discovered a property categories
. This is populated, when the x-axis is declared to be of type category as it is in my case. So to get the data from the x-axis one needs to call the .categories()
onclick: function (d, i) { console.log(chartCompany.categories()[d.index]); }
When clicking on a bar in the chart the corresponding category will be returned.