How can I pass the actual value in the text boxt of emailEdit (after changed) to a function or how can I bind this value to another property of a bean when changed ?
Currently I got this :
<h:inputText id="emailEdit"
<s:link value="Send mail"
action="#{customerEdit.sendEmail}" rerender="myCustomerEditData,myCustomerData"></s:link>
Thanks in advance
[Assuming you're talking about an EL function, not a JS function here]There are a few ways, but they'll mostly start with you having to bind the text to the page scope:
<h:inputText id="emailEdit" binding="#{emailEdit}" value="#{}"/>
From that point, you can pretty much do whatever you want, referring to the textbox using the binding of emailEdit
You could pass the value directly to the method you're interested in (available only starting from EL 2.2)
<s:link value="Send mail" action="#{customerEdit.sendEmail(emailEdit.value)}" rerender="myCustomerEditData,myCustomerData"/>
You could pass the value using the f:attribute
tag, and then retrieve the passed attribute in your function
<s:link id="emailLink" value="Send mail"action="#{customerEdit.sendEmail}" rerender="myCustomerEditData,myCustomerData">
<f:attribute name="emailValue" value="#{emailEdit.value}"/>
Retrieving in your function:
public void sendEmail(){
FacesContext ctxt = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
UIComponent comp = ctxt.getViewRoot().findComponent("emailLink"); //assuming you already have a FacesContext
String theValue = comp.getAttributes().get("emailValue").toString(); //obligatory null check omitted for brevity