I would like to exclude few API methods in a class from Enunciate documentation.
Is there a way to achieve it using enunciate ?
Thanks in Advance
Enunciate 1.27 has a feature "Facet"(http://docs.codehaus.org/display/ENUNCIATE/Enunciate+API+Facets) which helps in achieving the above.
Requires following changes
1.) pom.xml
Added the plugin
2.) In the API Method you want to exclude, add Facet annotation like below
@Facet(name = "external")
3.) Change enunciate xml to refer to 1.27 enunciate xsd
4.) Add Facets tag in your enunciate xml
<exclude name ="external"/>
Result - Enunciate report excludes selected APIs methods in class "A" and includes the rest.