I got response from server with $resource. In console it shows like:
$promise: Object,
$resolved: true,
0: f
How can I get that 0 element? When I try array[0] syntax I get undefined.
Here is my $resouce code:
angular.module('groupsModel', ['ngResource']).
factory('Groups', function($resource) {
var Groups = $resource('http://localhost:7777/api/users/:id/bands', {id:'@id'}, {'query': {method:'GET', isArray:true, params: {id:'@id'}}});
return Groups;
To get resource you can do this
because you named your first resource 'query'
and to get promise of this resource you can do
and to use data returned from the resource you can do
// success, use data
}, function(err){
// failure, use err for logging etc...