I'm wonderring what is the correct way to use serviceActivators in SI Java Dsl to handle errors. I have such Spring Integration xml config:
<jms:message-driven-channel-adapter id="messageIn" auto-startup="false"
container="messageNotificationJms" channel="messageChannel"
<channel id="messageChannel"/>
<chain input-channel="messageChannel">
<!-- some logic and service-activator -->
<channel id="customErrorChannelTpm"/>
<chain input-channel="customErrorChannel" output-channel="nullChannel">
<service-activator ref="errorService" method="stopEndpoints" />
But now, I'm trying to use SI Java DSL to configure this context, so I create such config
public class SIConfig {
AbstractMessageListenerContainer messageNotificationJms;
ErrorService errorService;
public MessageChannel messageChannel() {
return MessageChannels.direct("messageChannel").get();
public MessageChannel customErrorChannel() {
return MessageChannels.direct("customErrorChannel").get();
public JmsMessageDrivenChannelAdapter messageIn() {
return Jms.messageDriverChannelAdapter(messageNotificationJms)
public IntegrationFlow customErrorFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(customErrorChannel())
//.handle () ?????????????????????????
public IntegrationFlow messageFlow() {
//some logic
As a handle method parameters I tried to use lambda expressions like this
.handle(message -> errorService.stopEndpoints(message))
but there was compilation error because of parameter types and return type.
I have one non-obvious variant without compilation errors, but I'm not sure that it will work correctly on environment. Is it correct?:
.<ErrorMessage>handle((payload, headers) -> {
return null;
Also, my ErrorHandler class.
public class ErrorService implements ErrorHandler {
public void handleError(Throwable t) {
public void stopEndpoints(ErrorMessage errorMessage) {
Throwable throwable = errorMessage.getPayload();
private void stopEndpoints(Throwable t) {
EDIT: I use Spring Framework 4.1.6, Spring Integration 4.1.3 and SI Java DSL 1.0.1
You can use the handle(String beanName, String methodName)
handle("errorService", "stopEndpoints");
handle("errorService", "handleError");
In the second case, the framework will take care of unwrapping the payload.