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Changing color of vim syntastic error window

I have installed syntastic on VIM to help me show errors in PHP code however with the current colorscheme/setting I have to following colors: error line

As you can see it's very hard to read, I wonder if there is a way to change the color if this error window specifically.


  • If this is only for the current selected item in the quickfix window, that's the Search highlight group on top of the normal quickfix highlighting. You then have to change either one; the Search group will affect search results in other windows, too.

    If this is other / special Syntastic highlighting, you best look through all groups in the :hi output to find the bad one.


    Unless you want to completely switch your colorscheme, you can adapt individual highlight groups via :highlight commands after the :colorscheme command in your ~/.vimrc. Either :hi link to another predefined group, or provide your own ctermfg=... guifg=... etc. color definitions, as described by :help highlight-args.